Businesses are now aware of the benefits of using iPads. Businesses spend lots of money renting boothspaces at events. Your main objectives are to capture attention for your products and services, and to generate leads. Setting up an iPad kiosk would be the perfect way to achieve these objectives.

  1. Increased traffic and interest at the booth. People love Apple products. The iPad is the best selling tablet in the world. Seeing an iPad will bring the curiosity out of people and they will take that extra minute to visit the booth.
  2. Increased time at the booth. Once attracted to the booth, visitors will stay around longer than those without an iPad. It will be a great opportunity for your representatives to share information about the services and products of your company.
  3. Increased engagement. With an iPad keeping visitors entertained, representatives will have more time to interact with your visitors. This beats just handing them some flyers, which we all know around 80% or more end up straight in the rubbish bin.
  4. Opportunities to showcase services, products and websites. You can promote new apps, services, videos or music and most importantly, your website.
  5. Conversion of booth traffic into online connections. Gather likes for your Facebook page and generate leads such as emails.
  6. Creation of memories. Allow visitors to take pictures of themselves. It is a good form of interaction and it will leave wonderful memories of the event.
  7. Security in heavy traffic. The iPad Kiosks can be mounted securely onto the floor. They are able to handle heavy traffic without fear of them toppling over or of damage to the iPads.
  8. Outreach. Setting up an attractive booth is essential, and when complemented with a couple of elegant and beautiful kiosks, your booth is sure to steal the limelight.
  9. Return on investment. Deploying iPad Kiosks could possibly give you an excellent ROI. Depending on the number of visitors, the cost of acquiring one visitor to the booth could be as low as a few cents. No additional manpower is required once the Kiosks are set up.
  10. Environment. Say goodbye to flyers. Using iPad Kiosks ensure that there will be no paper waste generated.
iPad Kiosks at work

iPad Kiosks at work

The beautiful new iPad

The beautiful new iPad

Visitors love the Kiosks

Visitors love the Kiosks